Review – Rachel Mc Alpine

Rachel McAlpine

Rachel McAlpine at PJ Malloys

By Ashley Skye Watt


First on stage and playing to no more than ten people in a hushed PJ Molloys, Rachel McAlpine looks a tad nervous stood alone on stage with her guitar. However, it is immediately apparent to everyone watching that her nerves are needless from the moment she opens her mouth. This girl has real raw talent and a natural singing ability. She is instantly compelling to watch as she draws you in with her beautiful voice and numerous catchy songs. A young and fresh mix of husky Scottish melodies which can easily be likened to that of Scottish singer Amy MacDonald but with her own twist and a very individual vibe, less pop-like and touching more on rock style sound.


At only eighteen she performed to a sky high standard

Rachel is an excellent singer/songwriter, not shy to showcase her song writing abilities as well as her vocal talent. From a relevantly short set, I for one was left feeling impressed by her selection of her own works, written and sang nothing short of flawlessly. At only eighteen she performed to a sky high standard and I would predict that as she is only just starting out, there will be a lot more to come from her!

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