By Ashley Skye Watt
Headlining at D Rocks for Oxjam last Friday were the incredible Ded Rabbit. The four Yorkshire boys are brothers whose musical motivation began after they moved to the Scottish highlands. It was there that their musical careers launched and propelled by boredom they decided to pick up their musical instruments to form an indie-pop style band. This perhaps was the best decision they ever made – even if it was less than apparent to them at the time they started out!
Since then Ded Rabbit have skyrocketed into the music scene, playing gigs and festivals all over Scotland. They have been described as ‘one of the most promising young bands in the Capital right now’ by the Edinburgh Evening News and based on their fantastic performance at PJ Malloys in Dunfermline, I for one can see exactly why!
Ded Rabbit are one of these bands who really come alive on stage,
their crazy energy and passion really shines when watching a live performance. All four boys really portray an admirable air of professionalism and it is clear to see that in comparison to many new bands, they clearly work extremely hard and are very well rehearsed. Aside from that, their songs are nothing short of infectious, one listen and you’ll be away home to YouTube that awesome tune stuck in your head, just as I was after the Oxjam gig. This band oozes talent and charisma, at this rate they’ll be making it big in no time at all!